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Athlete Spotlight - Alodia-Rose

At just 10 years old, Alodia-Rose is our youngest athlete to be spotlighted on Odyssey Sports. But don't let her young age fool you, she is full of talent and her tumbling is already so powerful! Check out our Q&A with her below

Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

A: My name is Alodia-Rose, I'm 10 years old, and I'm from NSW. I compete in two cheer teams: Snr level 5 Steelwings and Snr level 4 Ladyhawks at ECA Macarthur. I've been cheering since I was 3 years old.

Q: What is the most rewarding aspect of cheer?

A: The most rewarding aspect of cheerleading for me is going out on the floor and competing as a team with all my friends. I consider them family. I believe it's not about winning, it's all about giving 100% and supporting every club/cheerleaders. I've made so many lifelong friendships being in cheerleading.

Q: How do you handle setbacks in cheerleading?

A: I always replay back in my head where I make mistakes. I try not to look at it as a setback, I look at it more like where did I go wrong and where can I improve for myself. We all make mistakes, we learn from them. I try to listen to my body, if I go for a skill and it doesn't feel right I will not continue. I will go back over it in my head step by step to make sure my mindset is exactly where I want it to be before I try the skill again.

Q: What are some of your biggest achievements in cheerleading so far?

A: Some of my biggest achievements were making Next Gen 2022 and 2023 and being one of the first 8-year-olds in Australia to achieve a standing full on floor and round off bhs double on floor. I set myself a goal, worked so hard and achieved them. I was over the moon.

Q: What is your favourite skill?

A: Favourite skill is toe touch standing full, front summie round off bhs to full, I also love to partner stunt.

Q: What advice do you have for other cheerleaders, whether they're just starting out or have been cheering for years?

A: Believe in yourself, stay true to who you are, try, set yourself goals, and remember that you can do it. Always have fun, enjoy yourself, and love the sport as much as I do!

Q: What are some of your biggest achievements in cheerleading so far?

A: I'm looking forward to 2023 being a new member of ECA (East coast all stars). Wearing red and black on the competition floor is very exciting. I cannot wait to meet new athletes who are a part of the bird family. I just want to do them all proud.

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